Sure i love my Daddy,Mom,and Pink they're so important to me and i will never regret to having them..
And i will introduce my Schoolmates,so many friends i have there but i will tell you the close one.. First,i called them Certainly its mean "tentu" right? but i meant it Ten Two? get it? hahaha yes its my 10 grades,they're make my senior high school stories was started too nice.. thanks guys and also miss martini... Second, my 11 grade class i called them Member Of DISCO ( " Edi Science Two") i loved them somuch!! they're so important to me,my Daddy as "sir edi" always support me the way i am .. its enough about my Schoolmates..
Now i already in 12 grades,with 12 Science 4 as ZetraClass haha there are full of annoying people haha but i know that i can make some good memories about SHS with them,xoxo
Oh guys don't worry i will never forget you! my SHF , my close friends from elementary until now we have been together.. Thanks to everyone who around me that make me smile and make me happy everyday..thanks to my past ( SMP Negeri 1 Palembang , and also SD kartika II-3 Palembang)..

Thank you guys you wanna be part of my life and me!!
i love you all ♥♥♥

new life

new life
new school
new class
new friends and new someone special in my heart whahaha

so today i want to tell you about my new life hahaha udh aah pake bahasa indonesia aja ya
gw mau share soal sekolah bary temen baru kelas baru dan pastiny seseorang yg baru di hati gue ezee haha
pertama soal sekola ya sekola ya udh seminggu ini jadi tempat tinggal gue skola yg menjadi tempat gw bernaung selama kurang lebih 12 jam hahaa , dri jam 6 pagi smpe jam 6 sore cuma gw habisin di sini di sekolah baru yg gw cintai ini elle hahaa semua temen guru senior dan junior (junior=anak smp) baik baik ya mungkin cm ada segelintir org2 yg ngeselin ups hahaa lanjut lagi , oh iya mau kasih tau kalo gw di pilih bwt ikutan paskib untuk 17 agustus nnti ga tw dipilih dri segimana hahaha , siap ga siap harus siap haha dan tau ga sih lo klo sbnerny latihan paling gw suka itu ya kmrn latihan dimana ada si DOI jreng jreeeng hahaha sstt enough deh bahas dia haha lanjut soal sekolah ya guys

mau tau gimana bentuk sekolah tercinta ? let's see the picture

itulah sekolah yg slama ini gw ceritakan sm kalian hahaa oh iya di sekolah gw dket sm beberapa temen
yaitu ada dhea, amel , egi , picut , molly , ayu , dll terutama X.2
kelas yg bener2 bkin nyaman kekeluargaan yg gak lupa dengan wali kelas yg super baik whahha
yeeah it's miss menik ({}) iloveyousooomuuch miss hahah :p elle
bersyukur smpai detik ini atas smua yg tuhan kasih ,gw dapet keluarga baru di sini dapet pengalaman dan dpet banyak pelajran di sini , disinilah gw akan tumbuh jadi seseorang yg sukses dan disnilah gw akan menghabiskan 3 tahun terakhir masa muda gw hwhahaa

be continue -....

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